This blog is about how I think Liberals are bad for our country and the over all survival of America . If the extreme left gets into power in this country you can kiss this great nation good bye.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Adios Kofi
Well Kofi, you are finally getting out of the U.N. It is about time you left. I'm sick of you always blaming the United States for all the wrong in the world. You are a typical liberal punk. You are a corrupt man, and so is you're entire U.N. organization. The U.N. has done very little for the world. If you had the balls you would gather support from the world stage to help the people in Darfur. But nothing is done. You take money from dictators and terrorist and let them go under the radar, then blame America for all the hate and the war in the world. You Sir are a despicable humanbeing. The U.S. give 100 time the amount that the U.N. has. I hope the person taking you're place is not as corrupt as you are. You have blood on you're hands sir' and they will never come clean. Now you can take you're blood money made from the Oil for Food Program and go live you're elitist life style and a dignitary for the left wing, socialist, cut and run, mamby pamby, spineless friends.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Ignorant people
I can not believe that some people in this country actually think that this terror plot to bring down 10 airlines over the Atlantic Ocean is a plot between Bush and Blair. That stupid, ignorant mentality is what is messing this country up. The ignorant and liberal people are a scary thought to me. I don't see how people miss the truth about what is going on in the world. The Muslim extremist want us dead. But not just the U.S.A., but all of western society. If you don't believe what they believe, then you should die and go to hell. We can not let liberals take charge in this country just because we are a little tired of being at war.
We can't let the terrorist sympathizers in the Democratic party rule in this country. They want us to negotiate with the terrorist. That is crazy! They want us to cut and run from the face of evil. If the Libs win, then the terrorist win. The libs have offered only one solution to the war, that is cut and run. Every thing Bush has done, the Libs have bashed and bashed all day. But they never offer any other answers to the problem. But what do you expect out of self loathing, antiamerican mind sets. Yes I said antiamerican. These people hate our country and everything thing we stand for. The Libs side with the Islamo Fashist. The Libs blame America for all the bad stuff in the world, from terror to poverty. It's our fault and deserve all the punishment for it.
Liberals suck, and they do not help this country to be safe by helping the terrorist via the media.
We can't let the terrorist sympathizers in the Democratic party rule in this country. They want us to negotiate with the terrorist. That is crazy! They want us to cut and run from the face of evil. If the Libs win, then the terrorist win. The libs have offered only one solution to the war, that is cut and run. Every thing Bush has done, the Libs have bashed and bashed all day. But they never offer any other answers to the problem. But what do you expect out of self loathing, antiamerican mind sets. Yes I said antiamerican. These people hate our country and everything thing we stand for. The Libs side with the Islamo Fashist. The Libs blame America for all the bad stuff in the world, from terror to poverty. It's our fault and deserve all the punishment for it.
Liberals suck, and they do not help this country to be safe by helping the terrorist via the media.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Big Joe
I really hope Joe Lieberman wins his primary. His far left opponent Ned Lamont, is cahoots with the anti war, Bush hatters. Joe is a true honest man, even if he is a Democrat. The Left knock him so hard just because he is a war supporter. God knows the left does not support the war. I want him to win for the pure pleasure of keeping a far left, anti-American person out of public service.
As I sit here waiting the results, I watch Hanity & Colmes, and their reporting that Lamont is ahead. But it is really close. Joe is the last of the old democrat's left in the country. The ones who really cared for their fellow man but tough on defense of this country. The new Dems, the crowed have no interest in defending the country. As Shean Hanity just said in front of me on TV, "this is the night the Democrats officially have been taken over by the extremist of Moveon.orgs."
As I sit here waiting the results, I watch Hanity & Colmes, and their reporting that Lamont is ahead. But it is really close. Joe is the last of the old democrat's left in the country. The ones who really cared for their fellow man but tough on defense of this country. The new Dems, the crowed have no interest in defending the country. As Shean Hanity just said in front of me on TV, "this is the night the Democrats officially have been taken over by the extremist of Moveon.orgs."
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Typical dem

Wow, Hillary really took it to Donald Rumsfeld today. Too bad she just looked like a typical elitist democrat trying to make Rummy look bad. It was all a showboat. Dems have no claim to fame, so they have to use the media and hold hearing in the morning to do there" look down their nose and talk down like their better and smarter than you crap." Like Sen Hillary Clinton could have done better than how the war is going now. She is such a two faced snob. I practically get sick every time I see or hear her. She does not stand for what is right for this country. Her and the Democratic party think the Bush Administration is such a failure and the war is a failure, but yet, they do not offer any kind of idea on how to fix the situation. They do just what Hillary did today, talk down and try to be elitist intellectuals. Then after the hearings she goes on TV and calls for Rummy to resign. Like we never heard that before. What an idiot.
photo courtesy of Google.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Kimmy Mentally ill
Ok, now all the politics are coming out about North Korea and its missile launch. I already hear people blaming Bush for it and saying "well hey never built this stuff while Clinton was in office."
Which is not true. Tom delay told Clinton that N. Korea was using the old fuel rods that Clinton himself let N.Korea have to make nuclear power with to build two bomb, that was the product of one on one talks with the famed Kim Mentally Ill. Pres Bush is taking the right road to include all the nations in talks instead of one on one talks. Look at where it got us in the 90's. And I wonder why China and Russia are so soft on these wakos in N.korea. I thought they were in this all together, we’ll see what happens with those two.
Which is not true. Tom delay told Clinton that N. Korea was using the old fuel rods that Clinton himself let N.Korea have to make nuclear power with to build two bomb, that was the product of one on one talks with the famed Kim Mentally Ill. Pres Bush is taking the right road to include all the nations in talks instead of one on one talks. Look at where it got us in the 90's. And I wonder why China and Russia are so soft on these wakos in N.korea. I thought they were in this all together, we’ll see what happens with those two.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The New York Times
The New York Times is a good paper. But it does have a liberal lean to it. I think that the people that allowed the secret info to be printed should be brought up on charges. Also I think the White House should dig as deep into finding who leaked the info a bring that person or people up on treason charges. It is imperative to find who did this to the war on terror. When they find them, they should be exiled from the country.
Flag Burning
I see the flag burning amendment failed by one vote yesterday. I think even if it pass, and congress had the power to ban the desecration of the flag, they wouldn't use it . There would be so much bickering in the Senate it would never become law. All the free speech people would say " it is a form of political free speech." Which I don't see it that way, but they don't see or respect all the blood spilled for the flag. If you desecrate the flag, you desecrate all the freedom we all have. From the liberal, hippie, peace loving crowd to the hard right . That flag stands for all of that, and if you desecrate the flag, you desecrate the country as a whole.
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