Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ignorant people

I can not believe that some people in this country actually think that this terror plot to bring down 10 airlines over the Atlantic Ocean is a plot between Bush and Blair. That stupid, ignorant mentality is what is messing this country up. The ignorant and liberal people are a scary thought to me. I don't see how people miss the truth about what is going on in the world. The Muslim extremist want us dead. But not just the U.S.A., but all of western society. If you don't believe what they believe, then you should die and go to hell. We can not let liberals take charge in this country just because we are a little tired of being at war.

We can't let the terrorist sympathizers in the Democratic party rule in this country. They want us to negotiate with the terrorist. That is crazy! They want us to cut and run from the face of evil. If the Libs win, then the terrorist win. The libs have offered only one solution to the war, that is cut and run. Every thing Bush has done, the Libs have bashed and bashed all day. But they never offer any other answers to the problem. But what do you expect out of self loathing, antiamerican mind sets. Yes I said antiamerican. These people hate our country and everything thing we stand for. The Libs side with the Islamo Fashist. The Libs blame America for all the bad stuff in the world, from terror to poverty. It's our fault and deserve all the punishment for it.
Liberals suck, and they do not help this country to be safe by helping the terrorist via the media.

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