Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The New York Times

The New York Times is a good paper. But it does have a liberal lean to it. I think that the people that allowed the secret info to be printed should be brought up on charges. Also I think the White House should dig as deep into finding who leaked the info a bring that person or people up on treason charges. It is imperative to find who did this to the war on terror. When they find them, they should be exiled from the country.

Flag Burning

I see the flag burning amendment failed by one vote yesterday. I think even if it pass, and congress had the power to ban the desecration of the flag, they wouldn't use it . There would be so much bickering in the Senate it would never become law. All the free speech people would say " it is a form of political free speech." Which I don't see it that way, but they don't see or respect all the blood spilled for the flag. If you desecrate the flag, you desecrate all the freedom we all have. From the liberal, hippie, peace loving crowd to the hard right . That flag stands for all of that, and if you desecrate the flag, you desecrate the country as a whole.