Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Flag Burning

I see the flag burning amendment failed by one vote yesterday. I think even if it pass, and congress had the power to ban the desecration of the flag, they wouldn't use it . There would be so much bickering in the Senate it would never become law. All the free speech people would say " it is a form of political free speech." Which I don't see it that way, but they don't see or respect all the blood spilled for the flag. If you desecrate the flag, you desecrate all the freedom we all have. From the liberal, hippie, peace loving crowd to the hard right . That flag stands for all of that, and if you desecrate the flag, you desecrate the country as a whole.

1 comment:

Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

You my friend need stop living for a symbol and get on with the business of being honest about the US. I love living in this country. I am thankful to have been born with opportunity, but I do not have to like what my government does and I must stand against her using my rights as a citizen if I feel her power structure is corrupt and overreaching.

I do not presume to know your love of this country, but do yourself and all of us that would fight for your right to speak your mind a favor... Stop with the cherished flag routine...It is a symbol. An icon. Nothing more...nothing less... It is not a human being killed in the name of empire. I am sure you have your reasons for loving this country as many do, but it is certainly not paramount that our flag have a law placed upon it to keep someone from expressing a right handed down by the founders. I have never burned a flag, but the day I feel the need, can't imagine what might cause such an emotional act, I would rather not face criminal charges for burning a symbol. A piece of cloth. Better we prosecute those taking human life, and yes that includes terrorists, it does not however include an insurgency of 92% Iraqi citizenry.

If a country occupied the US I would become an insurgent to defeat the occupying power...

Wouldn't you?

Peace, my friend.