Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Eating Healthy, its all a mater of opinion.

So you read how to eat healthy. One study says lean meat is good for you, another says stay away from red meat, now I read one that said stay away from meat all together because of the antibiotics and growth hormones, and just get your protein from beans, and tofu etc. So if I did all the things that these "experts" tell me to do, I would never eat meat, eat only organic veggies and fruits, have a super air filter in my house, go out side with a filter mask on, walk every where cause cars make you fat, never have Jack Daniels, Or coke for that matter, no gelato, pizza, and the list will go on. So I figured out that it is all opinions, and opinions are like A**Holes, every ones has one. So just live your life the way you want, eat what you want, sleep how much you want, work as much as you want.......just make informed decisions. One expert says this, another says that. What is there to believe. I can see going to these sites for information, don't let it rule your life. I can tell you right now that eating a steak once a week, especially an organic steak will not hurt you. It is all away for these people to make money. They are always pushing a book or a work out guide or something. It is funny, if you want to go to MC Donald's, go, just don't go every day. And if you do go every day, I don't cry to me your fat. I go to Micky D's, some time more than I should, but I also eat bananas for snacks and Cliff Bars and other healthy stuff. The point is just don't let other people tell you what to do, live your own life.