Monday, April 23, 2007

Ding Bat Harry

Sen Harry Reid needs to shut his mouth. He is a partisan hack. His anti- American fowl mouth is motivating the people in this world who want to kill the western way of life. Sen Reid is calling the war lost, and the anti-American liberal media just runs with it. This is going to played all around the world to be spun against our country. And the thing that gets me going the most about it is he knows it and doesn't care. He also uses the troops as political pawns, as well as all of the liberal Dem's. We could win this war with no problem if jackasses like Sen Reid would shut his mouth and quit giving the America haters around the world ammunition to fire up their ant-American extremist. He is just a moron. The Dem's wanted to change direction in Iraq, so Bush changed and followed some of the advice of the Iraq Surrender Group (Iraq Study Group) and he gets hammered. And the reason he got hammered is that the change didn't fit the liberal media and liberal lawmaker's agenda. Sen Harry Reid needs to resign.


So, all you Liberal weenies out there that are scared of guns and don't know crap about them, this one is for you. Guns don't kill people, wack-jobs with guns kill people. So any wack-job with a desire to kill and be killed will do anything possible to obtain a weapon. Weather it is a handgun or a shotgun or rifle, they can kill. The liberal argument holds no water what so ever. This kid at VT could have used a shotgun and still had the same results. So if it a shotgun or handgun he still would have killed a lot of people. 16 round mag or 10 round mag, there is the same end results. You will never be able to get rid of gun violence in the world, so good, law abiding citizens should be able to play the same hand as a bad guy, or at least be on an equal ground. If a crazy man breaks into my house with a gun to kill me, rape my wife and kill my kid and steal my plasma to sell for drugs, I want to be able to shoot him before he shoots me. Plus a hand gun is easier to hide and keep away from my kid's reach than a shotgun or rifle.
They took the gun from the people in New Orleans after Katrina. The people who had legal guns to protect their homes and businesses from the looters and the thugs had them taken away by the police. So the looters know the police are over stretched and the people have no guns to protect them selves so they loot with no problem, beating up old Ladies and business owners. Our own government took the rights of American citizens to protect their lively hood away. They took the right to protect your kids, property, money and life in general. What is going to happen next time another big natural disaster happens in the U.S. ? What if Barak Obama is in office, a liberal who wants to have gun control. I know what will happen, the thugs will win. Only the criminals will have guns.