Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Libs in my mind

Libs in my mind again. I read all this stuff of what they want to do with this country. I one of the two Democrats get into office this year, you can kiss this country good by for the next 20 years. They want to raise taxes on the rich, and cut them for the middle class. Why don’t they just cut taxes for all? I thought Liberals were supposed to be equal. No of course not. The only people that Liberals want rich are themselves, but they want to control every thing else. Time and time again cutting taxes for all people even the rich bring more money into the Government. Raise the taxes and revenue falls. I can’t get it through people’s head that if rich people have more money, then so will every one else. If Obama gets into power the tax rate for the rich reportedly will be around 50%. So if you rake in a million dollars you leave with $500,000. Now that rich person has less money to buy stuff like new cars or services that rich people use. If I was a rich guy who saw my taxes go up to 50%, I may not want to pay for that cleaning lady that I employ, or the car wash guy to come by the house and wash the cars. So there are two people out of work right away. Two less people paying taxes to the Government, less sales tax being generated at the stores. Now there are two more people going to the unemployment line to get checks from the Government. These Democrats tell people they deserve better lives. You only deserve what you work for in my book. Then, if you want to give you’re money away, then that is you’re decision. It is not the Governments job to take money and give it to people. I am so sick of this nanny state, socialism type, Government bail out bull crap. And with Obama and Clinton, it will only get worse.
What happens when the Liberals spend all the money that they get from the rich to pay for all the new socialistic programs? Where are they going to get the money then? I know, they will raise taxes on the middle class. Soon after that there will be no rich or poor. There will be rich Liberal Government people and poor people working hard to just make it by. In the mean time China will become a super power and it will take Russia with it. Then we will be in the same position Russia was in when we toppled their country. We wont have enough money to buy bullets, let alone defend our selves. So off we go to be under one world government. We will have to relinquish our Sovereignty to just eat.