Debra vs Jennifer. I was comparing the two sentences these two ladies got for their crimes.
Lafave who had sexual relations with a 14 year old got no jail time, three years house arrest with a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and seven years probation. Now compare that to Jennifer Porters sentence who killed two kids. She got two years house arrest, three years probation and 500 hours of community service. Porter got off with a lesser sentence and killed two kids. That blows my mind. Both of them not only should be in jail, but Porter should be in for a very long time. She ran from the scene and then covered it up before turning her self in days later. This to me is a bunch off crap.
The sentences are too lite for the both of them. You know that if Porter was black and killed white kids, she would be in jail for 50 years. Also if Lafave was a man she would atleast got jail time and more probation. These sentences are not fair to the families, the public well being and it shows the judical system sucks when it comes to pretty white girls.
Photo courtisey of http://www.tbo.com and AP
1 comment:
agreed. and i seriously think that porter should be executed. a life for a life.
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