Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The White House needs to stand up

President George W. Bush needs to stand up to the democrats and the liberal media. The Dems do nothing but rip bush up and down, from the war they voted for, to ethics. Bush needs to take these people like Harry Reid, who was just ripping the hell out of vice president Cheany and point them out and show America how far from reality they really are.

The country needs to hear more from the President by addressing the public more often on the economy and the war, kinda like a mini State of the Union Address. If he pointed out all the good things going on in Iraq , it would off set the media's and the lefts version of the war. Also, if he would tell America that the econony is not in the tank and point out stuff like the tax cuts accually are generating more tax revinue and though gas prices are high consumer spending is still strong.
I think then his approval rating would not be so low and the GOP would not be in such hot water for 2006.

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