I was reading Fox News website and I came across an AP story about how President Bush needs to give regular updates on the war. I wrote about this back on 8 November. The column "suggested that President Bush use an FDR-style presentation to update people on progress in the war." This would give Bush the chance to dispel any and all liberal and liberal media lies about the war effort. Sen. John Warner, R-Va., recalled that during World War II, President F.D.R. often went on the radio in "fireside chats" to tell the American people what was going on in the Pacific and in Europe.
Now, if Bush did the same, his approval rating would go up . America would see that he wants to stay in touch with the American people. Most of all we all will see the good things the brave troops are doing for the Iraqi people and the entire world.
I hope Bush gets the picture. Not only does the war effort depend on it, but the entire GOP depends on it.
This blog is about how I think Liberals are bad for our country and the over all survival of America . If the extreme left gets into power in this country you can kiss this great nation good bye.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Lafave vs Porter

Debra vs Jennifer. I was comparing the two sentences these two ladies got for their crimes.
Lafave who had sexual relations with a 14 year old got no jail time, three years house arrest with a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and seven years probation. Now compare that to Jennifer Porters sentence who killed two kids. She got two years house arrest, three years probation and 500 hours of community service. Porter got off with a lesser sentence and killed two kids. That blows my mind. Both of them not only should be in jail, but Porter should be in for a very long time. She ran from the scene and then covered it up before turning her self in days later. This to me is a bunch off crap.
The sentences are too lite for the both of them. You know that if Porter was black and killed white kids, she would be in jail for 50 years. Also if Lafave was a man she would atleast got jail time and more probation. These sentences are not fair to the families, the public well being and it shows the judical system sucks when it comes to pretty white girls.
Photo courtisey of http://www.tbo.com and AP
Prestidential Pardon
Every year the sitting president pardons a turky at thanksgiving time. What is the point? I must be ignorant or something. I just wish I could get the president to pardon me from having to worry about money. That would be the day.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Looks like France is having to deal with ratical muslims. The french riots are a riot for me. The French were so quick to get on America about the war in Iraq, (which France was getting kick backs from the oil for food programe) and Hurrican Katrina, and they can't even control a minority population in thier own country. To me the French look like MORONS. The president of France is a spineless noodle man, only to declare a state of emergancy after 13 days. At least the U.S. got to Katrina victims about 11 days faster.
Now all of Europe will have to deal with the muslim extreamist. These riots will probably start to spread to other parts of the liberal, leftist europe. Now they can see why America is stout on the war on terror. The muslims are moving into europe and then like in France, they will demand their own land from the country they are rioting in.
Move in and take over.
Now all of Europe will have to deal with the muslim extreamist. These riots will probably start to spread to other parts of the liberal, leftist europe. Now they can see why America is stout on the war on terror. The muslims are moving into europe and then like in France, they will demand their own land from the country they are rioting in.
Move in and take over.
The White House needs to stand up
President George W. Bush needs to stand up to the democrats and the liberal media. The Dems do nothing but rip bush up and down, from the war they voted for, to ethics. Bush needs to take these people like Harry Reid, who was just ripping the hell out of vice president Cheany and point them out and show America how far from reality they really are.
The country needs to hear more from the President by addressing the public more often on the economy and the war, kinda like a mini State of the Union Address. If he pointed out all the good things going on in Iraq , it would off set the media's and the lefts version of the war. Also, if he would tell America that the econony is not in the tank and point out stuff like the tax cuts accually are generating more tax revinue and though gas prices are high consumer spending is still strong.
I think then his approval rating would not be so low and the GOP would not be in such hot water for 2006.
The country needs to hear more from the President by addressing the public more often on the economy and the war, kinda like a mini State of the Union Address. If he pointed out all the good things going on in Iraq , it would off set the media's and the lefts version of the war. Also, if he would tell America that the econony is not in the tank and point out stuff like the tax cuts accually are generating more tax revinue and though gas prices are high consumer spending is still strong.
I think then his approval rating would not be so low and the GOP would not be in such hot water for 2006.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Another Hurricane
Wow another hurricane comming to Florida. This on is called Wilma, one more and we will be in the Greek alphabet. I heard from a metorologist says that it is the Japaniese making these hurricanes with a giant weather machine. Or if you listen to Green Peace typ people, it is President Bush's fault. I live in Florida and I'm sick of hurricanes, but I would'nt live any where in the U.S.. Oh well. I know Gov Bush will do a far better job than the Louisiana State government. Wish us luck....
Monday, October 03, 2005
Stealth Conservative
Today President bush nominated Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. Is she a liberal, conservative, or a moderate? Probably a conservative. A good move by Bush in my book. No paper trail, so the libs will have no choice but to pass her on to the high court.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
We Need Poor People
I was talking to a guy at work today, some how we got on the subject about how he thinks that the government has a plan and a system to keep poor people poor and the rich people rich. That was one of the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
Fact is, this counrty needs people of low income. Who is going to clean the rich people's homes? Who is going to work at a car wash making minimum wage, or work at a fast food restraunt and pass out fries and burgers? Someone has to do it. Just like someone has to be a brain surgeon. We need people to work on brains, just like we need people to work on transmisions. That brain surgeon will hire a maid working for eight buck an hour, a lawn man, go to a car wash, and go on vacations where he will spend more money in hotels and the maid who cleans his room will make minimum wage.
My point is, people are poor because they choose to be. When a person does poorly in school because they are skipping class or on drugs and having kids at 17 18 and 19 they screw thier entier life up. Thus, having kids they dont go to collage and get formal education . I m not saying everyone should go to college. Are we going to have a person with a masters degree washing cars for a living? Unlikely. Those who dont go to college can just as easily get a good paying job by working hard and learning a skill. Welding dose not requre collage but you can make really good money doing it. But it is a skill you have to practice at it and put a lot of effort into it. Along with many other skilled trades. Effort is something alot of poor by choice people don't have.
Being poor is a choice, not a plight. People's lives play out by the choices they make. If you dont have a job at all, that's a choice. If you have a low paying job, that's a choice. No one forces anyone to work a certain job. When your hired, you know what the wage will be. So why take it if it doesnt pay enough. It is so easy to get one the job training these days. You just have to try, and actually stay long enough to get a decent wage.
I know there are certain people who are poor because of a tragedy or unexpected problem in life. But they are minorty among the poor. But most people are poor because they choose not to better themselves and thier situation. They dont do anything to not be poor. They collect unemployment, get "food stamps," and just essentially sponge as much as they can from the government. All the while they are blaming the same government who is giving them assistance for thier being poor in the first place.
Fact is, this counrty needs people of low income. Who is going to clean the rich people's homes? Who is going to work at a car wash making minimum wage, or work at a fast food restraunt and pass out fries and burgers? Someone has to do it. Just like someone has to be a brain surgeon. We need people to work on brains, just like we need people to work on transmisions. That brain surgeon will hire a maid working for eight buck an hour, a lawn man, go to a car wash, and go on vacations where he will spend more money in hotels and the maid who cleans his room will make minimum wage.
My point is, people are poor because they choose to be. When a person does poorly in school because they are skipping class or on drugs and having kids at 17 18 and 19 they screw thier entier life up. Thus, having kids they dont go to collage and get formal education . I m not saying everyone should go to college. Are we going to have a person with a masters degree washing cars for a living? Unlikely. Those who dont go to college can just as easily get a good paying job by working hard and learning a skill. Welding dose not requre collage but you can make really good money doing it. But it is a skill you have to practice at it and put a lot of effort into it. Along with many other skilled trades. Effort is something alot of poor by choice people don't have.
Being poor is a choice, not a plight. People's lives play out by the choices they make. If you dont have a job at all, that's a choice. If you have a low paying job, that's a choice. No one forces anyone to work a certain job. When your hired, you know what the wage will be. So why take it if it doesnt pay enough. It is so easy to get one the job training these days. You just have to try, and actually stay long enough to get a decent wage.
I know there are certain people who are poor because of a tragedy or unexpected problem in life. But they are minorty among the poor. But most people are poor because they choose not to better themselves and thier situation. They dont do anything to not be poor. They collect unemployment, get "food stamps," and just essentially sponge as much as they can from the government. All the while they are blaming the same government who is giving them assistance for thier being poor in the first place.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Why is Bush taking blame?
I know the President could have moved the federal troops in a day sooner; but why didn't the mayor of New Orleans get those school buses into action to help the poor get out of the city? He must want poor black people dead just like the President. I am being sarcastic.
To call President Bush a racist that wants poor black people dead is just the most ridiculous thing in the world. If that is the case, then Ray Nagin wants poor blacks dead and the Governor of Louisiana wants poor blacks dead,( BOTH DEMOCRATS) because neither one of them had any preemptive actions under way before the hurricane made land fall. So why aren't the Democrats pounding on the Louisiana Duo. All I hear is BUSH, BUSH, BUSH. The media and the liberal left are placing no blame on state and local officials, they are placing it all on the President. The President took some responsibility, now Ray Nagin and Gov. Blanco should also.
To call President Bush a racist that wants poor black people dead is just the most ridiculous thing in the world. If that is the case, then Ray Nagin wants poor blacks dead and the Governor of Louisiana wants poor blacks dead,( BOTH DEMOCRATS) because neither one of them had any preemptive actions under way before the hurricane made land fall. So why aren't the Democrats pounding on the Louisiana Duo. All I hear is BUSH, BUSH, BUSH. The media and the liberal left are placing no blame on state and local officials, they are placing it all on the President. The President took some responsibility, now Ray Nagin and Gov. Blanco should also.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Dems going nuts
I need some help. Why do the democrats only cry, cry, cry? I never hear any definitive plan to cure all the problems they say is wrong with this country. All of the stuff that comes out of there mouth is doom and gloom; the economy sucks, we're loosing the war on terror, so on and so forth. Nothing positive comes from the left. To the dems, Iraq is another Vietnam. They're right, it is, because of them. The left and the left wing liberal freaks who support them are the ones who say we are loosing instead of being positive and supporting our troops. They are calling our troops baby killers, and that our cause is not worth the effort. That my friends, helps to motivate the Islamic extremist in that country and around the world, including in our own country. All the attention that the liberal media gives people such as Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore, Ted Kennedy and all the other high profile liberals who say this country sucks, just reinforces the hatred the extremists have for us. The extremists broadcast what the liberals say on their TV stations and say "Look, even people in their own country say the same thing we do." In my opinion that is aiding and abeding the enemy. So thanks for helping the terrorist Cindy, Mike, Ted and all your freinds.
Hurricane victims
When it comes to hurricane Katrina, I hear people blaming President Bush for not going on the offense when it came to this hurricane. It is not Bush's fault, it is the state of Louisiana who should be blamed. Here in Florida after Hurricane Andrew, there was help the day after the storm hit because Florida's government is on the up and up when it comes to hurricanes. There are many things that went wrong in New Orleans; including not having a worst case scenario plan in place. The Governor should have asked for the President to mobilize troops days before the storm made land fall. Don't blame the President for what happened. The state and local officials in Louisiana did not train their first responders for such a strong storm. It is the miss-management and lack of preparedness in the state government that got them into this trouble. I think they should just leave the city as part of Lake Ponchatrain and never go back.
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