Friday, February 15, 2008

Barack scares me to death

Barack Obama scares me to death. He and Hilary are as close to Communist as you can get in The United States. I was reading about Obama's Fairness Doctrine he sent to Congress. He basically wants to make sure that all of the radio stations " Talk Radio " have balanced and fair time for both sides of an issue that has to do with the public interest. Well talk radio is about the only palace conservatives have for an outlet. And Barack wants to take that away. The doctrine is a FCC regulation that requires broadcast licensees to present controversial issues of public interest in a manner deemed by the FCC to be " honest, equitable and balanced. " Dems in Congress fought to bring it back last year but failed to get enough votes to do so. So if this passes, which I doubt it will, the never do anything wrong U.S. Government will tell us what we have to hear on our radio dial. That sounds like Communism to me. So if we have a Liberal House, a Liberal Senate and a Liberal President, you know for sure they will pass this bill with no problems in 09. All these Libs want is control over the people like Stalin. These commi libs in Washington are doing everything to take away, to smother the voices of Conservatives. We have to stop these people folks, we can't let them take over. If Obama or Clinton get into office, the end of talk radio will be here. Then it will be legislation in favor of San Francisco values all across the nation. And slowly they will pass law against tradional American values. They will slowly be widdled away. Starting with the Fairness Doctrine, then ban guns, allow gay marriage, forcing thier ideas and ideology on our kids in school. This liberal fascism will bring our country to an end.

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