Sunday, September 09, 2007


Here we are six years after 9/11. I see all these shows on TV about that day. The minute by minute account, recorded phone calls, "actual footage, " personal accounts by survivors, ect. Now, and the last five years, that day has been politicized by our very best Liberal Democrats. They have seem to have forgotten who did all this, and it was not our fault. They blame America for all the the wrong in the world. For instance, they attacked us because we were in there holly land, we force our movies and music on them. That is far from the truth. I don't understand
why they must tear down the U.S. We do more for the world than all the other countries combined.

The TV show I see just make me really angry. I can't watch them. When I see the videos of the planes hitting the WTC and the buildings falling down, I can't help but to get fired up. I know we haven't been attacked again yet, that is a good thing. but let the libs have there way and you can bet on it. I guess it is a good thing to see the shows, to remind me of how I felt that day, and the rest of America. But unlike most of the libs in this country I still feel the same today as I did six years ago. I bet Harry Reid or Queen Nanci P. have forgotten. We as Americans should do all we can to stop this festering pool of vile call radical Islam. But since most of Europe are Liberals as the majority of our government, I think that radical Islam is not going to be taken very seriously.

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