I was reading Fox News website and I came across an AP story about how President Bush needs to give regular updates on the war. I wrote about this back on 8 November. The column "suggested that President Bush use an FDR-style presentation to update people on progress in the war." This would give Bush the chance to dispel any and all liberal and liberal media lies about the war effort. Sen. John Warner, R-Va., recalled that during World War II, President F.D.R. often went on the radio in "fireside chats" to tell the American people what was going on in the Pacific and in Europe.
Now, if Bush did the same, his approval rating would go up . America would see that he wants to stay in touch with the American people. Most of all we all will see the good things the brave troops are doing for the Iraqi people and the entire world.
I hope Bush gets the picture. Not only does the war effort depend on it, but the entire GOP depends on it.
This blog is about how I think Liberals are bad for our country and the over all survival of America . If the extreme left gets into power in this country you can kiss this great nation good bye.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Lafave vs Porter

Debra vs Jennifer. I was comparing the two sentences these two ladies got for their crimes.
Lafave who had sexual relations with a 14 year old got no jail time, three years house arrest with a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and seven years probation. Now compare that to Jennifer Porters sentence who killed two kids. She got two years house arrest, three years probation and 500 hours of community service. Porter got off with a lesser sentence and killed two kids. That blows my mind. Both of them not only should be in jail, but Porter should be in for a very long time. She ran from the scene and then covered it up before turning her self in days later. This to me is a bunch off crap.
The sentences are too lite for the both of them. You know that if Porter was black and killed white kids, she would be in jail for 50 years. Also if Lafave was a man she would atleast got jail time and more probation. These sentences are not fair to the families, the public well being and it shows the judical system sucks when it comes to pretty white girls.
Photo courtisey of http://www.tbo.com and AP
Prestidential Pardon
Every year the sitting president pardons a turky at thanksgiving time. What is the point? I must be ignorant or something. I just wish I could get the president to pardon me from having to worry about money. That would be the day.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Looks like France is having to deal with ratical muslims. The french riots are a riot for me. The French were so quick to get on America about the war in Iraq, (which France was getting kick backs from the oil for food programe) and Hurrican Katrina, and they can't even control a minority population in thier own country. To me the French look like MORONS. The president of France is a spineless noodle man, only to declare a state of emergancy after 13 days. At least the U.S. got to Katrina victims about 11 days faster.
Now all of Europe will have to deal with the muslim extreamist. These riots will probably start to spread to other parts of the liberal, leftist europe. Now they can see why America is stout on the war on terror. The muslims are moving into europe and then like in France, they will demand their own land from the country they are rioting in.
Move in and take over.
Now all of Europe will have to deal with the muslim extreamist. These riots will probably start to spread to other parts of the liberal, leftist europe. Now they can see why America is stout on the war on terror. The muslims are moving into europe and then like in France, they will demand their own land from the country they are rioting in.
Move in and take over.
The White House needs to stand up
President George W. Bush needs to stand up to the democrats and the liberal media. The Dems do nothing but rip bush up and down, from the war they voted for, to ethics. Bush needs to take these people like Harry Reid, who was just ripping the hell out of vice president Cheany and point them out and show America how far from reality they really are.
The country needs to hear more from the President by addressing the public more often on the economy and the war, kinda like a mini State of the Union Address. If he pointed out all the good things going on in Iraq , it would off set the media's and the lefts version of the war. Also, if he would tell America that the econony is not in the tank and point out stuff like the tax cuts accually are generating more tax revinue and though gas prices are high consumer spending is still strong.
I think then his approval rating would not be so low and the GOP would not be in such hot water for 2006.
The country needs to hear more from the President by addressing the public more often on the economy and the war, kinda like a mini State of the Union Address. If he pointed out all the good things going on in Iraq , it would off set the media's and the lefts version of the war. Also, if he would tell America that the econony is not in the tank and point out stuff like the tax cuts accually are generating more tax revinue and though gas prices are high consumer spending is still strong.
I think then his approval rating would not be so low and the GOP would not be in such hot water for 2006.
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